Our Packages

Path to Citizenship Roadmap and Eligibility Package

Are you early in your citizenship journey and want to understand what it's going to take, or maybe are interested in doing all the work for citizenship on your own but just need the roadmap of what steps you'll need to accomplish - this package is your answer:

You'll tell us everything about yourself and complete our comprehensive details sheet so we can best define your path.

With this information, we'll build a complete personalized "path to citizenship" roadmap and meet with you to help you best understand your requirements, blockers and timeline. With this roadmap, you'll have everything you need to work through your citizenship process on your own (or choose End to End Citizenship Package and we'll do the work for you!)

End to End Citizenship Package

Are you looking for a service that can get your Greek citizenship completed end to end, this package is your answer:

We'll do all the research, tracking down each of your required documents, making changes and fixes, getting translations and meeting with all required parties to get your citizenship file ready.

Once you're file is ready for review, we'll walk you through it and prep you for the interview process before submitting.

After submission we will track and update you on your progress.

Special Complications Package

Are you working on your citizenship but are current blocked on a specific issue(s) that you can't seem to fix?

For many individuals, this issue could be name change confusion, divorce complications or requirements for additional documents that cannot be found.

With this package, you'll meet with a member of our team who can help understand the issue as well as work through the solution to fix it!

Interview Prep Package

Are are already well on you way to citizenship, but would like help with the interview process?

With this package you'll gain access to our bank of the most frequency asked questions as well as test prep materials to ensure you past your citizenship test with ease.